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    Friday, October 6, 2023


    In an anguish of rejection, I dazed into the room of temptation. The Breeze, the booze, the snail cooked with so much sauce that would make the worms in my stomach wake up.

    Is a university degree a joke? The restlessness and endless nights of digesting books upon books, now end in a lustful dance of sin to climb the mountains of greatness.

    Will I be left behind, Will I look back and crinch. In regret of not bowing down to this temptation. To stand next to my mate in a world of rat race.

    1 comment:

    1. Good one, If our ladies can be more enlightened about temptation that come with working in an employment, I believe they won't fall into sin upon sin, Money has been a major reason Men use to tempt ladies/woman of this generation even if they are married to their husband, empowerment have to start from children, childhood. Woman empowerment and sensitisation very important in today's world, we all know is not easy but we have to sat them down and teach them morals to curb the future sin that could temp them working in an organisation and other Spheres of life.
